
We created a new GOD

This post is purely based on my occasional thoughts which I get in dark times so I thought I should share these thoughts with you guys hoping you'd understand my points I have discussed below. This is not meant to hurt or bash anyone's feelings or beliefs.                    We all have been in a debate on topic "We created God or God created Us". We all have heard interesting point in both for and against the topic. When we were in our early age era we feared nature. We were scared of nature's actions. On the other hand we appreciated

Fraudsters And MNCs (Vicious circle)

When we hear words like corruption, money laundering etc we all think of fraud companies that are out there in every countries feeding off on innocents and unaware people. Think of Recruitment/Consultancy scams. These are most recent, most known scams among youngsters. They are the ones who asks you to trust them for job and money and they are the ones who betray you and they are the ones who says that your amount is refundable and they are the ones who threaten you or delay when amount for refund is asked. They are doing this scams on larger scales and feeding off on high school and university students. They are able to execute

Cut Off

We talk to each other for three reasons only: 1) Either we love talking to each other. 2) or we have a selfish purpose. 3) or its a compulsion.                  Sometimes when we talk to someone, our heart starts to race or our breathing starts to get heavy. Some talk to us just to know


                  So many People came in our lives and helped us to get to the point where we belong. We did not get to this point all by ourselves, we got help from others. We received help from our family, our friends, well wishers, nears & dears and others which includes both known and unknown. We use services to get something done for us and we pay for services we hire. Some of us shows a thankful gesture for those services, some of us don't. What most of us care about is

Compare Yourself

                  We all know comparing anything is not cool in any way. When we purchase things we tends to compare them with things we already have or things that are already available in market at competitive prices which is actually a good thing. We compare to get better things, we compare things to make sure that its best for us. Comparing is a good thing until


                  We get up every morning to hustle just to go one step ahead in life. To grow, To place our mark on the society we try to fit in. In journey of life, We go from places to place, we get exposure, we get experience, knowledge. We meet so many people in our life, We face so many hurdles, We go through such hard times that they start to have impact on us which (kind of) creates our thinking and how we perceive/process things. We learn new things, We acquire new skills, We develop both physically and mentally. We take so much pride in what we have and what we say because we

Trust Your Guts

                  We all belong to a particular religion. For some religion could be humanity, for some it be Christianity or Hinduism etc. Some us lie regarding religion just to fit in society or just show off ourselves as religious person. We preach and we pray. Some of us trust ourselves more than god, Some of us trust our conscience(our inner voice), Some of us trust our rationality more, Some of us trust others more than ourselves. Trusting depends on our level of faith on others and ourselves. But do we really trust ourselves enough? We