Compare Yourself

                 We all know comparing anything is not cool in any way. When we purchase things we tends to compare them with things we already have or things that are already available in market at competitive prices which is actually a good thing. We compare to get better things, we compare things to make sure that its best for us. Comparing is a good thing until you starts to compare people with others which is not rational. We are all same yet we all are so different as we all have been through different hurdles in our lives which shapes us accordingly. We compare clothes with those of others, we compare mobiles, we even compare styles, looks or even walking style(and yes, I have seen some doing this :P). Then Comparing starts to get ugly and frustrating. We starts to compare lives of ourselves with each other. We starts to compare our efforts, earnings, grades, personalities, body etc. So, I suggest ourselves to take a sharp, long, hard look on our own hands. We wont find any finger of same length, shape and size, no finger is identical to other. If our own fingers are not identical to each other then how can we expect us to have same outcomes?


Compare yourself. Compare yourself with the person you were a day before. Compare your own efforts, personality, body, knowledge with yourself of yesterday. Comparing is not a bad. We must compare ourselves to keep track of our progress but we must compare ourselves with our own self not with others. We can only make ourselves better only when we compare ourselves with ourselves. Don't compare each other, Compare Yourself with yourself. Be your own competitor, Be your own rival and be your own idol.

" Some of us learn from the books, some from life or some from stories.   -TreyTyger "


" I hope you have learned something great from this."


*based on my firsthand experience*


Quick Links To Some Previous Articles :


Trust Your Guts

Choose Rationally

Let Go

Placebo Plus Positivity


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