
                 We get up every morning to hustle just to go one step ahead in life. To grow, To place our mark on the society we try to fit in. In journey of life, We go from places to place, we get exposure, we get experience, knowledge. We meet so many people in our life, We face so many hurdles, We go through such hard times that they start to have impact on us which (kind of) creates our thinking and how we perceive/process things. We learn new things, We acquire new skills, We develop both physically and mentally. We take so much pride in what we have and what we say because we think ourselves as superior than most of the others we get by with. We take pride in what we have accomplished. But in all these accomplishments and development we lost our basic essence to live. We forget that we have grown from the dirt, We stand tall on dirt and we turn to dirt in the end. Most of us has forgotten where we have come from, Our Roots, Our dirt, Our drive, Our Hunger that drove us to the point we are now at.

Have you ever saw a tree growing without roots? Or saw a mountain standing tall and strong without roots? Or even saw a Man-Made Building still standing without strong base/foundation/bottom(roots). We need to remember our roots, where we have come from, as it is the only thing that keeps us what we are. We should remember our hometown, our childhood, our whole journey, especially what we were and what we have become over these years. Its keep basic essence of real us, of compassion for those who are still stuck in hard times, of respect to those who have overcome hardships. Roots are the only motivators that drive us to the betterments. Without them we may survive but we cannot live.

" Some of us learn from the books, some from life or some from stories.   -TreyTyger "


" I hope you have learned something great from this."


*based on my firsthand experience*


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Trust Your Guts

Choose Rationally

Let Go

Placebo Plus Positivity



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