Must Hear Opinions

                 People have opinions and they have the right to express it. We have our own opinions since birth. These opinions have only diversified since birth as we grow. When we were little our opinions to those who were nice to us or who bought us chocolates was good and our opinion to other was either neutral or bad. This opinion has only diversified from only good/bad to Nice/Arrogant, Selfless/Selfish etc. Opinions are not only regarding a person, they could be regarding anything like country, work, Field, Group of organization/institution etc.


As we learn more, as we grow, we became more intolerant to opinions over the time. We are so willing to improve ourselves yet we are not willing to hear others opinions Simply because they don't match our view point or are against our thoughts/expectations/knowledge. For me opinions does matter a lot. These opinions say a lot about the thinking and thought process of the person making/creating opinions regarding others. Opinions also speaks about their thinking level regarding the subject. Listen carefully, each and every word of others, they might reveal their other faces Or you might learn some new perspective to look at things which you never thought could be possible or you discover something totally different about yourself.

" Some of us learn from the books, some from life or some from stories.   -TreyTyger "


" I hope you have learned something great from this."


*based on my firsthand experience*

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Better Late Than Never

Silent Fights

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