Criticize Yourself

                 We all are doing something which either interests us or just has to be done. We all are either creating/inventing/innovating, imitating or using/ providing services and yet we are unable to satisfy each others "satisfactions/expectations". We are so opinionated and judgmental that we judge people from their faces and create opinions without even hearing anything that actually helps us create correct opinions. We criticize almost everything except our own thing. We criticize good and bad both.


We criticize other's thoughts, looks, personality, achievements, works etc. Criticizing others doesn't really helps us grow in life, All it do is just consumes our precious time and effort which we could have used in developing ourselves. Criticizing has never really gotten anyone to any point in life where they see themselves as better than anyone except the critics as it is their job to do this. Sometimes criticism starts to get on to our nerves, sometimes it open's our eyes, Its just depends on how we take it. If we are someone who matters and we are doing anything, we will be criticized no matter what even if we are just picking our nose or simply watching at the beautiful blue sky. If you are not criticized anyone then it simply means you are doing nothing worthy or you don't matter to anyone.


Criticism is good in a way. We all should have at least one critic in all phases of our life to tell us our flaws or simply just criticize us so that we can rationally think about the criticism and improvise ourselves and develop ourselves everyday into something bigger and better than before. If I are not criticized and I want my work to be perfect I simply take it to my friends and family and requests them to criticize it however they can and simply rectify it accordingly if it seems rationally and logically correct to me. 


See criticism is not actually a bad thing if we criticize ourselves. School test, grades, examinations, reviews, interview and group discussion etc all of this is to improvise us so why not criticism? Its equally important and good for our development. All depends on how we interpret and perceive. Criticizing our own work and facing/rectifying our own criticizing can be the other way to actually develop ourselves. Criticize Yourself

" Some of us learn from the books, some from life or some from stories.   -TreyTyger "


" I hope you have learned something great from this."


*based on my firsthand experience*


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