Cut Off

We talk to each other for three reasons only:
1) Either we love talking to each other.
2) or we have a selfish purpose.
3) or its a compulsion.

                 Sometimes when we talk to someone, our heart starts to race or our breathing starts to get heavy. Some talk to us just to know how far we have come in our life and some talk to us because they consider us friend. Have you ever felt tensed whenever you talk to someone in particular? it happens because our vibes doesn't match with each other. We are not meant to vibe with everyone. Some people carry ill will for us in their hearts. Sometimes we feel it, sometimes we misunderstand it. Some people only contact us to benefit themselves from us or use us and some contact us in need for help and we usual confused this with one another. We are so complicated we cannot figure out each other but all we can do is observe each other to learn. We all have special power of intuition and thinking, We know when someone is trying to benefit from us or using us or has negative thoughts regarding us. Such people hold us back from flying and instead feed on our positivity. Cut off such people from contact as soon as possible or atleast limit contact with such people who gives negatives vibes, tension, stress etc. We already have enough issues in our lives to deal with. We all strive for positivity and growth in our lives till the end and such people stops us from having that. Cut off or limit such people from ruining your day.

" Some of us learn from the books, some from life or some from stories.   -TreyTyger "


" I hope you have learned something great from this."


*based on my firsthand experience*


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