Why Discriminate?

                 In our society we created rich, we created poor; we created celebrities, we made high class and we made distinctions among us. We created thin lines among our selves. We made ourselves think that we belong to a certain section of society. We all have faced discrimination in one way or the other. We all are well aware of what it feels like to be discriminated. Rich or poor, Celebrity or not we all have faced discrimination of some kind in some sense in our life whether its on basis of gender or on color or nationality etc. We think we are facing issue because we falls into that category and others don't so they don't have to face such but that's not true. They also face discrimination.


We think those who are rich have nothing to worry about as they have tons of money with which they can solve most of the problems but that's not true. They worry about being able to get more richer or their children/themselves face discrimination on basis of the ton load of money they have either by those who are better off then them or are worst then them. Some of also think that those who are poor have nothing to worry about as they have nothing to loose but that's not true either they are worried of keeping their family alive & well and protecting them from further exploitation. They have also faced discrimination just because they have less money. We created money to control it. Don't let it control us or separate us. 


We all have faced discrimination in some sense in ways only we can relate to. No one's life is easy. Some may appear to be a little better off but life is not easy for anyone. No one is perfect either. We all eat from mouth, Our blood color is same, We all breath from nose, We all see from eyes then why discriminate?  

 Also view this for better insight : Our New GOD.

" Some of us learn from the books, some from life or some from stories.   -TreyTyger "


" I hope you have learned something great from this."


*based on my firsthand experience*


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We Created New God

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