Peace of Mind

                 Peace of mind, just a mere thought that provides peace and calmness to your body and sooths your soul. Just as easy it might sound but is it that easy to achieve? think what we do just to get restful sleep? we pray, we meditate, we exercise/yoga, we preach, we play, we earn, we eat what we desire, we spend how we want, we blame, we watch movies. we do everything to keep ourselves satisfied but are we really satisfied?. The Greed has so much effect on us, we are so blinded by it we forget how to enjoy little things that happen in our daily life. Things, small wonders which gives a relaxes us in a way nothing can. It could be anything like for thirsty its a cup of water, for handicapped its self reliance, for some its gaze at the stars in night or praising nature's beauty etc. But we ignore all these things and take them for granted or even exploit them for selfish purposes. We run for more instead of being satisfied with all we got and in such run, we loose most of the things we wished we had but couldn't have and instead of correcting ourselves we blame others for it. Just be satisfied in what you have otherwise you might regret of loosing what you had.

Here is a story we read when we were young and forgot over the time:

" Once a stray dog while searching for food came to a butcher's shop. There he got a bone with some meat on it. So, he lifted it and ran to a safe place to enjoy it at ease.
He chewed the bone for a very long time and this made him quite thirsty. So, he went to a river to quench his thirst. It took the bone along, as it was worried that some other dog might not take it away.
As the dog stood on a bridge across the river, it looked around to see if it could safely put the bone down while it quenched its thirst.
By chance, he saw his reflection in the water from over the bridge. He could not follow that it was his shadow. Rather, he thought it to be another dog with a bone in his mouth.
Being greedy by nature, he wanted that bone too. So, he barked at the other dog, hoping to scare it into giving it that bone. But alas! The bone that he held in its mouth fell into the river. "

Don't be greedy. Be glad for having what you have, respect it in everyway and be thankful & satisfied for having it.

" Some of us learn from the books, some from life or some from stories.   -TreyTyger "


" I hope you have learned something great from this."


*based on my firsthand experience*


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