Mr Alive, A Victim of Reality

                 Mr Alive , A simple kid who was more human than humans themselves, he is who, who had eyes which could see the dark before the light, who understands others and stays quiet to avoid chaos and petty battle. His spirit was younger than his walker. He was a believer and trusts everybody every now and then. He was a Philosopher, Thinker ( I should say a critical one ). He had friends, a lot of friends, yet he had no soul to rely on. Small, Young, full of choices, enthusiasm, energy, craze, curiosity, motivation, you name it he had it in him. One day, just one day that's all it took to destroy all the good in him. To make him exactly like rest of us, all it took was just 24hours. He was a Graduate preparing for jobs, leaving out all of the comfort just to be self reliant and ofcourse, to earn bread and macaroni. He literally understood the meaning of "Friend in need is a friend indeed".

                 I personally have been very closely observing him and his life. I saw him growing and then witnessed a bright soul going dark and ultimately die. I have been his only support and all support I can give was just an assurance that everything is going to be okay and not to loose hope. His strength has always been a voice he heard from every mouth that has ever said anything to him. Being under-pressure of earning and family, out of desperation he decided to go to wolves in search of earning opportunities as they advertised and publicized. This is how, they tricked him into giving all his saving he had saved since his childhood which includes his scholarships, rewards, prizes everything he ever had. he also took some of his family's money shamefully swallowing what's left of his pride before giving as he never took any favors not even from his family and has been fighting his battles alone ever since. He felt innocence slowly washing away from his spirit and slowly evolving (what others say "Growing up" or "sucking it up") and after getting real close glimpse of reality he ever since stopped believing in every good that we all are told to believe in from that start of life till the end. He banged his hand and felt nothing but one last sense of pain of regret for all that happened. He stopped helping others as no one helped him in the time of need, he has more friends than before but he is now just like them, he got so caught up in grips of the wolves he lost a part of himself just to break free and in this process he lost a beautiful part of his life. the part we wish we had, Something special that keeps others souls smiling, A vibe that makes others smile the moment they see us. For some its hope, for others its positivity where as others may call it love some might call it life or living instead of surviving. He is still alive somewhere but the question stands is he alive anymore?.

                 We wage wars then we do treaties for peace, we created jobs we created money we created poor we created almost everything but what is it that we forgot to create? we can measure and value skills and designations in form of wages and salaries but what is it that we are doing for ones who have knowledge but not the ropes to get there? the ones who get scammed or conned by sweet tongued wolves in sheep's suits. Safeguard from such is so hard that people only get trapped in circle of "Legal Process" and in name of justice all that we get is more disappointments and delay. Relatives of bureaucrats and politicians misuses power to turn tables in their favor and even after having so many rights and laws what is it that we get in name of justice and equality? Think


" Some of us learn from the books, some from life or some from stories.   -TreyTyger "


" I hope you have learned something great from this."


*based on my firsthand experience*


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